Should I make a minotaur?

I did a quick little blockout of a minotaur but I would also like to make a minoTAUR if you know what I mean! I really love blinkinglights taur rig and would love to play with it, but maybe I should know my limits and get back into this with a normal base first. I don't know. What do you think?

Also adding a screenshot about why I haven't ported the bunny yet, I wanted to see if I could give it a little update because it hasn't gotten a lot of love..but I feel like it's a bigger job so...that's also somewhat in the pipeline.


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Maybe it's six months too late but i'd instantly get a minotaur avatar if it was available.

I'm not a particularly large cat fan so any of your other excellent work for I'm definitely down for!

Thanks for the feedback and nice words jop! I've since worked some more on the minotaur (two legged) base and it's growing on me :D I'm also thinking about doing a couple of clothing items for existing species like sergal or rex :O 

make dat taur

yeah but which one Vlada?! WHICH ONE ❤

the singular taur

*makes notes* I know exactly what you mean it shall be done